Ear, Nose & Throat
Whether you have sinus problems, hearing loss, vocal cord dysfunction, head and neck cancer, or thyroid disease, specialists at Grand Itasca can provide the quality, patient-centered care that you need.
Request an AppointmentOtolaryngology (also known as ear, nose and throat, or ENT) is the branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of ear, nose, throat, head and neck conditions. In addition to ENT specialty care, Grand Itasca offers convenient and all-under-one-roof access to any diagnostic testing or imaging services that might be needed.
Since we are affiliated with the M Health Fairview health system, Grand Itasca providers are also well-connected to specialists outside our immediate area. If needed, your ENT provider will work closely with M Health Fairview colleagues from several different specialties around the state, including audiology, neurology, and neurotology. This means our patients can also benefit from leading-edge research at the University of Minnesota and the most recent clinical advances in ear, nose and throat care.
Since we are affiliated with the M Health Fairview health system, Grand Itasca providers are also well-connected to specialists outside our immediate area. If needed, your ENT provider will work closely with M Health Fairview colleagues from several different specialties around the state, including audiology, neurology, and neurotology. This means our patients can also benefit from leading-edge research at the University of Minnesota and the most recent clinical advances in ear, nose and throat care.
Conditions We Treat
We provide specialty care for the following:
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